Fucking fuckity fuck fuck fucker

Database migration went bad

A timeline of shit fuckery

I’m trying to rebuild #Plume to use with Postgres, taken my backups and prayed → 6:03 PM, Aug 9

This will either go super easy or super painful → 6:05 PM, Aug 9

error: failed to compile plume v0.7.3-dev (/home/plume/Plume), intermediate artifacts can be found at /home/plume/Plume/target

Caused by: package time-core v0.1.1 cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.65.0 or newer, while the currently active rustc version is 1.64.0-nightly

Well fuck → 6:07 PM, Aug 9

Oh this is painful, very very painful already. Rust just giving different versions based on the directory I’m in → 6:17 PM, Aug 9

Oh look I have to reinstall Rust cos it has to be a nightly or dev version → 6:20 PM, Aug 9

yeah this is going to be an utter shitshow of epic varieties → 6:20 PM, Aug 9

I knew this was a real bad idea → 6:22 PM, Aug 9

Even more so that Jarod is trying to climb all over my laptop while I’m doing this → 6:26 PM, Aug 9

Excellent, this is going wonderful Fuck

→ 6:33 PM, Aug 9

Samy not content with not being a part of climbing on a rather important piece of software trauma going on, would also like to smash keys and see if it crashes out the build → 6:44 PM, Aug 9

client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe384/730: time, rocket_http, rocket_codegen, walkdir

Always use screen kids → 6:45 PM, Aug 9

lol I killed my Plume → 7:09 PM, Aug 9

git clone git.joinplu.me/Plume/Plu… && pray → 7:13 PM, Aug 9

Basically the rebuild didn’t work, the trying to download from prebuilt binaries did not work, and I had to restore from my backups. There is a big old issue with the contents of the progres database, so I’m guessing something real nasty is going to happen here if I want to change.

Trust me, I don’t want to have to redo this whole thing again from scratch. God knows how hard it was in the first place to import everything.